
Tekton Helm Chart - OneClick DevSecOps

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OneClick DevSecOps using Helm

Simplify your Development Operations (DevOps) technology stack by using one command to securely control, manage and release new software versions.

See here for working examples.

Who is this intended for?

- Trainee or experienced DevOps Engineers looking to learn Kubernetes and Tekton
- Developers or Operations Engineers looking to simplify their Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration (CI/CD) tooling
- Small businesses needing to take control of DevOps
- Anyone with an interest in innovative technology solutions


Today DevOps Engineering is complex, requires experience and depth of knowledge to get started. There is no easy way for engineers to run CI/CD pipelines locally and cumbersome to then migrate those pipelines to the cloud or other environments.


To resolve this problem we have developed a Helm chart for Tekton which allows anyone to easily deploy DevOps pipelines and dependencies in just a single command. Tekton is a cloud agnostic CI/CD tool that runs ontop of Kubernetes making it seamlessly portable between local, cloud providers and even on-premise.

Our real-world examples describe how to deploy development workflows (eg. GitFlow), GitHub webhooks and use YAML files to drive all configuration.

What you'll get:

- Source code for our Helm chart
- Access to new Tekton Helm chart version releases
- Documentation for setting up a local Tekton instance and installing pipelines using working real-world CI/CD examples


- DevOps pipelines driven by simple YAML file configuration
- Global Trigger configuration with pipelines level override
- Control your CI/CD pipelines in code using a single Helm chart
- SSL and token secured webhook communication
- Drag and drop Tasks from Community sources
- Platform-agnostic, runs anywhere with Kubernetes >= v1.22.0; OpenShift, AWS EKS, Azure AKS, Google GKE, and on-premise
- Least-privilege permissions for each Task step, assume roles, non-root containers
- Creates all dependencies and cleanup tools; Github Webhooks, disk space management and alerting